How to Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits (Before They’re Gone!)

Fourth quarter is upon us. The holidays take center-stage but your remaining dental insurance benefits are also important to keep on your mind.

Unlike some of those looming holiday expenses, you’ve already paid for your dental insurance benefits. They’re yours to use…before the year ends (in a bit over three months).

A not-so endless cycle

There’s an annual life-cycle to your dental insurance benefits. It’s also applicable to your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or your Health Savings Account (HSA).

Why waste what’s yours? You have an opportunity to improve you and your family’s oral health so take advantage of your benefits.

Health enhancing ways to use your dental insurance benefits before they’re gone

You can reduce your out-of-pocket treatment expenses. Make good use of your dental insurance coverage by scheduling the procedure you’ve been putting off.

Ask us about your coverage allowances, how much you’ve used to date, and whether a treatment planned procedure is fully or partially covered.

  • Restore your damaged or decayed tooth before it worsens and increases your cost. A dental crown or dental filling could be among your allowable coverages with your remaining benefits.
  • Replace your missing or damaged tooth to avoid further tooth and gum damage. Apply your unused or remaining dental coverage to the cost of a dental implant, a dental bridge, an implant-supported denture, or dentures.
  • Renew your commitment to healthy teeth and gums with preventive dentistry. Schedule you and your family’s next dental examination and teeth cleaning. Most dental insurance plans allow two exams and cleanings per calendar year.

Contact our Roswell dental office with your questions about dental insurance coverage. Schedule your treatment before the end of the year to take full advantage of your benefits.

3 Reasons to Visit the Dentist Sooner Rather Than Later

It’s said that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is today. The principle also applies to when you should visit your dentist.

Some things can’t wait!

Timing can get the best of you. And it has much to do with delaying care at the first sign of a symptom.

Who wants to be awakened in the middle of the night with a nagging toothache? Or worse, a trip to the ER?

Some dental problems can erupt quickly. Others stay on-your-radar for days, weeks, months, and perish the thought…years.

Nothing to smile at

A dental infection, for example, can be avoided if you act when the symptoms first occur. Sure, pain doesn’t always precede what could be a serious dental condition. Or the pain appears one day and disappears the next.

3 dental conditions that require your attention sooner rather than later

1-A toothache

Pain one day. None the next.

What could it mean?

It has more to do with what’s happening beneath the surface within your tooth and connected tissue.

An abscess can be brewing for days. Then, BAM!, it grabs your sensitive nerve tissue and you’re experiencing more than an on-again-off-again toothache.

Feverish, inflamed, red, swollen gum tissue is a clear sign that you have an infection. As noted previously, the “ache” is your “friend” warning you that something’s not right and dental care is urgently needed.

2-Sensitive teeth

You want to enjoy favorite foods and beverages, right? But every time you chew or take a sip there’s that uncomfortable “zing!”

That could be an indication of tooth decay, a loose filling, or a cracked tooth. Chewing on one side or altering your diet isn’t the answer. An examination, diagnosis, and treatment is.

3-Bleeding gums

Early gum disease symptoms can have you “seeing-red.” On the positive side, it could be a result of aggressive brushing or flossing.

But why gamble with gum disease? It’s the leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Your body will let you know if something isn’t healthy. Your gum health can impact your overall health.

An examination and deep cleaning (scaling and root planing) are effective for controlling the progression of gum disease.

The best time to treat any of these is…when the symptoms occur. The second best time is now!

Contact our Roswell dental office with your questions or concerns about your dental health. Schedule an examination for a diagnosis and treatment solution.

This Might Be the Motivation You Need to Floss

No condescension intended. Though being asked if you floss while sitting in a dental chair might seem a bit strange.

After all, if anyone knows from observing the condition of your teeth and gums it would be us. Right?

Credit where it’s due

Still, being questioned about flossing your teeth can put you on the defensive. Or at least feeling like you should make excuses.

Relax. We know how important the oral hygiene fundamental is to the health of your teeth and gums. That said, we commend you for taking the step to schedule and show up for your routine dental check-up and teeth cleaning.

There’s more to not flossing than a guilt-trip

The daily habit of flossing your teeth has a substantial impact on your lifetime dental care value. Flossing your teeth daily can actually reduce your time and cost investment in dental care.

Brushing your teeth removes the build-up of food and other substances from a large portion of your tooth surfaces. The remaining surfaces, especially those below your gum line, also require attention. That’s where flossing matters.

Serious oral health problems can develop when you ignore those hidden spaces in your mouth. Your risk of gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis rises when you consistently miss those areas.

Flossing is effective for removing the build-up of bacteria on your teeth and gums.

You’ll like this benefit too

According to Dr. Michael Roizen, brushing AND flossing your teeth daily can slow aging. “It makes you up to 6.4 years younger because studies show that gum disease actually ages the immune and arterial systems.”

Who knew?

That discovery plus the obvious oral health benefits is enough to renew your commitment to daily flossing. Wouldn’t you agree?

It’s all connected to the value of preventive dentistry to your lifetime dental health. Contact our Roswell dental office to schedule your next dental examination and teeth cleaning. And ask us for a few tips and techniques to renew your flossing routine.

How Diabetes Can Complicate Your Dental Health

As if diabetes doesn’t complicate life enough. It increases your reasons for maintaining good oral health.

High blood sugar has an impact on your body. It also affects your teeth and gums.

Diabetes and your mouth

It’s estimated that over 20 million people in the United States deal with diabetes. If you’re one of them and/or know someone who is there are a few oral health connections that deserve attention.

Periodontal (gum) disease

Remember, diabetes can impact blood supply to areas of your body. Your gums are one of those locations.

Any pre-existing tooth or gum issues can increase your gum disease risk. Gingivitis is the first phase followed by periodontitis. Red, bleeding gums, tooth alignment, and chronic bad breath are symptoms to be aware of.

Worsening conditions can cause your gums and jawbone to separate from your teeth. This can lead to tooth loss.

On occasion, the combination of gum disease and diabetes can reduce your body’s ability to fight bacteria. An infection can make it difficult for you to breathe.

Dry Mouth

This dental condition creates a consistent feeling of thirst. Diabetes affects your mouth’s saliva production. In turn, this make you more vulnerable to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

Saliva provides a cleansing effect in your mouth. It helps prevent plaque and tartar from sticking to your tooth surfaces.

Keeping your tongue and mouth moist is essential. A fluoride rinse can be prescribed to help moisturize your mouth.

Dry mouth associated with diabetes can be affected by your diet also. Caffeine, spicy or salty foods, and more can produce complications.

Overall, good dental hygiene and routine dental check-ups will help control the oral health complications associated with diabetes. Contact our Roswell dental office with your questions about how diabetes affects your dental health.

Schedule your next dental examination and teeth cleaning to maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

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