How to Recognize Gum Disease Before It Worsens
Things are not always what they appear on the surface. That said, it’s not uncommon for your dental health to be somewhat deceiving.
Picture this…
You’re brushing and flossing but something’s not right. You notice some irritation and perhaps some slight bleeding around your gums.
No big deal, right? Well, not necessarily.
Your worst-case scenario
Let’s not jump to conclusions. Though an advanced warning can certainly help.
Bleeding can be an indication of aggressive brushing or flossing. Or it could be the early sign of an infection.
A gum infection occurs in stages. The sooner you catch it and treat it the better.
Neglect or poor dental care open the door to oral infection. Plaque is to blame most often.
Dental plaque is the sticky residue that builds up on the surface of your teeth. The major threat is that it harbors bacteria.
Plaque and the bacteria it contains are the cause of your gum infection. It occurs when plaque is not removed and it works its way into the deeper crevices beneath your gum line.
Gingivitis is the first phase of infection. Untreated, it can worsen into periodontitis.
The next and final stage is periodontal (gum) disease. It attacks and weakens your gum tissue, reducing your tooth support, and can eventually lead to tooth loss.
This is what you’re looking for with Gum Disease
Consistently swollen, bleeding, or sore gums are indicators that gum disease is progressing. You might experience difficulty flossing or brushing due to the inflammation or irritation.
The milder symptoms associated with gingivitis can be easily treated. Once periodontitis sets in your teeth, bone, and gum tissue are at risk.
Observe the spaces between your teeth. And be aware of other symptoms that include loose teeth, receding, puffy, red, or bleeding gums.
The one-thing you must deal with
Periodontal disease can be slowed by removing the plaque from your tooth surfaces. Plaque that is not removed can harden into tartar.
It’s vital that you maintain a good oral health routine. If your gum infection has progressed you will need dental treatment to prevent further tooth and gum damage.
Routine dental exams and teeth cleanings at our Roswell dental office are the perfect support for your routine oral care. A deep cleaning is also recommended when you have the symptoms of periodontal (gum) disease.
Scaling and root planing is the go-to procedure for treating and cleaning the areas around your teeth and gums. This treatment removes dental plaque and tartar and helps eliminate harmful bacteria.
Contact your Roswell dentist if you experience any symptoms of gum disease. Schedule you and your family’s next dental examination and teeth cleaning.