How Long Is the Process for Implant Crowns?
Implant crowns are long-term and durable solutions for missing teeth that appear and feel like your natural teeth. However, many people with missing teeth fear the process involved when placing the implant and how much time it might take. Therefore it helps if you have the information on what to expect during the treatment process.
Overview of the Process for Implant Crowns
You can make an informed decision about implant crowns by understanding what they are, how the process works, how much time it requires to complete the process, and whether the treatment is suitable for you or not. An overview of the implant crown therapy follows, including crucial information on what to expect during the process.
Implant Crowns Explained
Dental implants are also called implant crowns with a dental crown mounted. The implant itself is a tiny screw-like post embedded into the jawbone to function as the crown’s artificial tooth root. An abutment is fastened to the implant, securely holding the dental crown. There are immense benefits of implant crowns for replacing teeth, including the ability to prevent jawbone resorption, and the results last for over two decades.
How Does The Implant Crown Process Work?
You start the implant Crown process with a consultation with a crown implant near Roswell, GA, which entails a discussion with the dental professional and you about your treatment goals. An oral exam and dental x-rays are also included during the consultation. The dental professional from the practice can answer any questions you have to help you make an informed decision. You might require preparation such as bone grafting and sinus lifts before the placement procedure if you have insufficient jawbone. The implant placement procedure is performed after you recover from the bone grafting. You require several weeks, if not longer, to recover correctly after implant placement.
How Long Does the Implant Crown Procedure Take?
When getting a crown implant near you, the procedure involves placing a titanium implant into your jawbone where the edentulous gap exists in your mouth. After implant placement, your mouth must recover in a process called osseointegration, where the implant fuses inside your jawbone.
While the dentist in Roswell completes implant placement in a couple of hours, you require longer to recover from the process. Your recovery might require three to six months for the implant and bone to integrate. The abutment and crown placements proceed later.
What to Expect after the Implant Crown Process?
As mentioned earlier, the longest stage in the implant Crown process is the recovery. Therefore, you can expect discomfort for a couple of weeks after implant placement by the dentist near you. However, the pain is comfortably manageable by taking prescription or over-the-counter painkillers.
The dentist near you recommends you have soft foods and water to prevent the risks of oral infections and irritation. You must keep your mouth clean and follow the aftercare instructions provided by the dental professional while you recover.
Getting the crown requires another surgery from the dentist in 30075 to attach the abutment and requires a couple of weeks of healing time before you can eventually have the dental crown to function as your artificial tooth.
After you recover from abutment placement surgery, you can revisit Dr. Judd Shenk to provide impressions of your mouth to have a personalized dental crown custom created for you from a dental lab. Unfortunately, frustrating as it may seem, you might have to wait for another three weeks until the dental lab returns your customized crown.
Your final visit to the dentist gets you the new artificial tooth you desperately desire to complete the implant crown procedure. However, it does not end dental visits for exams and cleanings because the implanted tooth requires similar care as your natural teeth.
When getting implant crowns, the dentist might exhilarate you with the information that your artificial tooth is not vulnerable to tooth decay or cavities. Unfortunately, they remain susceptible to gum disease, which you must avoid by maintaining an excellent dental hygiene regimen. You must continue to brush your teeth two times per day for two minutes each, floss your teeth at least once regardless of the time and receive exams and professional cleanings every six months to ensure no plaque buildup develops on your teeth or the implanted tooth. Gum disease is the leading cause of death in implant failure. Therefore you must prevent the buildup by following high-quality dental hygiene practices.
Shenk dental care — Roswell provides implant crowns if you have missing teeth with appropriate instructions on caring for them. Please do not hesitate to contact this practice if you have lost your teeth and are desperate for replacements.