
How Are Dental Veneers Installed?

May 01, 2019

Veneer is a thin shield of porcelain used for covering the front surface of the tooth. They are designed as a permanent way to change or enhance the look of stained, chipped, broken, or undesired teeth. Here’s what to expect during a typical veneer preparation and installation procedure.

Taking the Impressions

Similar to the most restorative dental procedures in Roswell, impressions of the teeth are taken before, during, and after the final placement of the veneers. The impressions are taken before the veneer appointment and used for making a stone replica of the teeth which may be used for creating final veneers or wax-up replica.

Choosing a Shade

The dentist will recommend a shade that feels best and appears as natural as possible while giving you attractive look and flawless teeth.

Preparing the Teeth

Veneers may need a little removal of the enamel from tooth. The preparation work required depends on type of veneer and position of teeth. You may not need local anesthetic. If root canal has been performed on your teeth, you need a little preparation.

Temporary Veneers

The dentist or dental assistant will construct a set of temporary dental veneers made from an acrylic material that’s cemented onto your teeth with temporary cement. The temporary veneers will resemble with your natural teeth, but may not appear as white as the final veneers.

New Smile

Veneers will be ready within 7 to 10 days and they will be placed on your teeth without any cement so the dentist can inspect them for the flaws. The final approval will give the go-ahead for dentist to permanently cement veneers to the tooth’s surface with a dental resin.

Caring for Veneers

Though veneers are designed for allowing you to function normally, you may wish to consider trying not to bite too hard with your front teeth or use the teeth to open difficult items because veneers may chip or break. Occasionally you may have foods and beverages like red wine, tomato sauce, grape juice and tea or coffee but in moderation. Regular cleanings are recommended by the dentist near you.

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