Dental Restorations – Consider It An Upgrade for Certain Dental Procedures
You pay for quality. And you should expect that whatever you’ve invested in will last.
For example, dental restorations, like your teeth, are designed for durability. But a few factors can affect their resilience.
Healthier tooth function and more
Tooth pain, sensitive teeth, and any signs of an infection or tooth decay are symptoms that require a dental check-up. This applies to your teeth that have a restoration such as a dental crown or a dental filling.
A dental examination can reveal some vital information about your current symptoms. Perhaps you have an old restoration that’s begun to deteriorate or weaken as the result of poor quality materials or a failed procedure.
Your gum health is another indicator. Over time your gums can recede and expose a dental restoration causing damage to it or creating an unattractive appearance.
Not all restorations stand up to stains or discoloration. Those issues could be the result of poor oral hygiene or the initial quality of the materials used to craft your restoration.
How to make your treatment last
Health and durability rely on the use of quality materials and a skilled procedure. It’s also good to know that replacing your restorations can improve their longterm function and enhance your appearance.
A quality restoration can be designed to match your natural tooth shade. Tooth-colored dental crowns and dental fillings blend with your surrounding teeth for an attractive upgrade.
The overall health of your bone and gum tissue matters too. Your tissue holds the remaining tooth structure in place and this likewise supports your new restoration.
Your dental restorations are designed for function and lasting effectiveness. Evaluate yours and observe any signs of wear or symptoms that require an examination.
Contact our Roswell dental office about your dental restorations. Schedule an examination to diagnose the condition of your old restorations and discuss replacement solutions.