A Beautiful Crown Can Restore Your Damaged Tooth
Do you have a “problem tooth” that detracts from your smile? Do ever feel like your smile would be perfect, if not for that one annoying tooth? This is a common cosmetic problem that many people tolerate for far too long. Sometimes the tooth is discolored by intrinsic stains, sometimes it has sustained a chip, and sometimes it looks different because the enamel is beginning to erode.
Whatever the cause of your problem tooth, the solution is an easy one. In just two office visits, you can restore your tooth with a beautiful tooth crown. Roswell GA dentist Dr. Judd Shenk can help you repair your smile.
Dental Crowns
Tooth crowns are protective caps that encircle and protect a tooth, while supplying an attractive substitute for your natural enamel. Crowns that are used for cosmetic reasons are usually made of dental porcelain, which is incredibly strong. This is not the same material used in fine China; rather, it is as durable as your natural tooth enamel. However, unlike your tooth enamel, it will resist stains, and is not subject to tooth decay.
Porcelain crowns are the most lifelike type of tooth crown you can get, as they best mimic the luster and hue of natural teeth. With a beautiful porcelain crown, your problem tooth will be transformed, so it fits in harmoniously with your smile.
Getting a Crown – The First Visit
A dental crown usually takes only two visits. At the first visit, Dr. Shenk will examine the tooth and take x-rays to ensure there is no decay present, and that the tooth can support a crown. If you have decay in the tooth, you may need a root canal treatment before a crown can be applied. This will require additional office visits, but you’ll still get the same beautiful result.
If the tooth is healthy enough to support a crown, Dr. Shenk can start the process immediately. After administering an anesthetic to numb you, the first step is to treat the tooth, so there is enough space for the crown to fit around it. This requires resurfacing and removing some of your enamel from the tooth.
After the tooth has been resurfaced, we will take a dental impression. Dr. Shenk will then send the mold to a dental laboratory where the crown will be fabricated. This ensures a proper fit and a stable crown, as they design the crown to fit the precise dimensions of your tooth and smile.
Your Temporary Crown
Before you leave the first appointment, you will be fitted with a temporary crown to protect the tooth while you wait for your permanent crown. Temporary crowns are not as strong or stable as the permanent ones, and they are not meant to last more than a few weeks. You should take care with your temporary crown, and avoid overly chewy or hard foods.
If your temporary crown comes loose, call us right away and we will re-cement it for you. In the meantime, you can use a small bit of sugarless gum or temporary dental cement (often found at drug stores in dental kits) to put the crown back into place. You most definitely do not want to leave the tooth unprotected, as it will be sensitive and vulnerable to damage.
Getting Your Permanent Crown
When your crown comes in, we will call you for your second appointment. Again, we will numb you with an anesthetic before we start, to make sure you feel no discomfort. After carefully removing the temporary, we will remove any cement so the tooth is clean. It is now ready to bond with the permanent crown. Next, we will check the fit and color of the crown, to make sure it will be stable and beautiful in your smile. If everything looks good, we will permanently bond the crown to your tooth with dental cement.
In the first days after you get your crown, pay attention to how it feels. If your bite feels off when you are chewing, for example, give is a call. We may need to buff down the surface of the crown to make it fit better.
A dental crown can last a very long time if you treat it right, so don’t make a habit of biting non-food items (pens, bobby pins). Some crowns have been known to last decades, although the average lifespan is considered to be between five and 15 years.
Are you ready to put your “problem tooth” behind you? Call Shenk Dental Care for a beautiful tooth crown, Roswell GA.